Selecting the Right Unroasted Coffee Beans to Pair With Foods Takes a Little Knowledge

Food pairing is not just for wine connoisseurs, coffee drinkers can pair food as well. Knowing which coffee compliments a particular dish will bring out the best aromas and flavors in each of them. Selecting the right unroasted coffee beans to pair with foods takes a little knowledge and perhaps a smidgen of science. You…read more

You are Pretty Clever Buying African Coffee Beans from Our Family-Owned Store

You might think you are pretty clever buying your African coffee beans from our family-owned store. And you would be right, but not for the obvious reasons. You see, you think you are pretty clever because you know that you are getting fresh coffee beans from the best places that grow coffee all around the…read more

Try African or Ethiopian Coffee Beans

What resolutions made it to your list for this year? If you are typical, your new year resolution list probably contains references to losing weight, eating better, getting more exercise and spending less time watching television. Don’t get us wrong, we think those are noble goals and there is absolutely nothing wrong with bettering yourself.…read more

Just Say No to Pumpkin Spiced Coffee Beans

It all starts in the fall, when the weather cools ever-so-slightly, the days grow shorter and the leaves begin to turn, every coffee shop in America starts offering some sort of pumpkin spice flavored coffee drink if not several of them. And if that isn’t bad enough, this disheartening annual event has also invaded other…read more

Some Love Coffee Beans More Than Life Itself

It’s hard finding the perfect gift for everyone on your shopping list this holiday season. But if you have a coffee lover on that list, someone who loves coffee beans more than life itself, then finding them a gift should be a piece of cake. Forget the Starbucks gift card or the cheesy “I love…read more

Buying Unroasted Coffee Beans and Brewing Your Own at Home Beats Any Coffee Shop

Coffee shops are great places to go if you crave entertainment. Now, this entertainment isn’t cheap mind you, coffee shop coffee is a pricey commodity after all. A heck of a lot more expensive than buying unroasted coffee beans and brewing your own at home. Coffee shops are full of amusing people, wait, strike that,…read more

There is a Reason Why So Many People Buy Their Coffee Beans from Us and Roast Them at Home

There is a reason why so many people buy their coffee beans from us and roast them at home. The main reason is because by buying their own African or Ethiopian coffee beans, they can skip the coffee shops altogether, and this is a good thing. Why? Because coffee shops are horrible places, not all of…read more