ORIGIN BLENDS ARE SOME EXCITING NEW ARRIVALS! – ORIGIN BLENDS: – These are coffees like you have never had them before! These blends contain mostly one single origin coffee, with only a small amount of our special blend of beans added to enhance the flavor. The single-origin characteristics you expect shine through crisp and clear, yet the cup is more complex, vibrant, better!

HONDURAS: – The Cooperative San Antonio benefits over 1500 families through direct and indirect initiatives including development of community centers, schools, water management, reforestation projects and more. It specifically supports youth through education and scholarships for the children of the producers. This coffee is organically shade-grown, hand-picked, specialty-grade Arabica coffee from the excellent growing region near the El Salvador border and has achieved the highest grade status of Strictly Hard Bean at farm altitudes of 1,300 to 1,600 meters. Honduras. Some really extraordinary coffees come from Honduras, these coffees are known as sweet and mild. Depending upon the farm and processing method some of these coffees can rival African coffees in intense fruity notes (especially a natural or honey processed coffee). A light roasted fruity Honduras Natural can provide a cold brew that is hard to beat!

HONDURAS COFFEE: – This coffee features a rich, smooth body, medium acidity, and juicy flavor notes. The flavor notes are blackberry, red apple, cherry, milk chocolate. A mild sweet coffee that can be enjoyed anytime!

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