UNROASTED GUATEMALA: – Coming from a farm located between two looming volcanoes Fina Nueva Granada has become a perfect example of how a farm can become more than a source of delicious coffee. The farm has on site schooling and implements impressive sustainable practices for coffee processing. Finca Nueva Granada uses its own clear spring water for pulping and implements shade grown techniques to protect the environment in which is relies so heavily upon.

GUATEMALA: – Is there any more of a versatile coffee that a good Guatemalan coffee? This coffee is great at almost any roast level, it works with almost any brewing style, including cold brews, French presses, espressos, americanas, cappuccinos, and lattes. If you prefer a piquant cup go with a medium roast or lighter. Many coffee drinkers prefer their Guatemalan coffees at a Full City Roast or darker where the chocolate/spice tones come to the front in a much more vibrant way.

GUATEMALA COFFEE: – A rich full-bodied coffee especially at darker roasts, smooth with notes of milk chocolate, caramel, and orange. Pleasant, sophisticated taste, intense aroma, a well-balanced cup. This is a versatile coffee everyone needs on their shelf!

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