Unroasted Coffee Beans and Some Interesting Coffee Observations

What is a normal coffee drinker? The idea that coffee people share a lot in common is just plain ridiculous. Perhaps there was once a time when you could put coffee drinkers into particular categories, but that was long ago. For example, there was a time when people who drank coffee did most coffee drinking in the morning. This can be seen in older movies and television shows. You would never see Robert Petrie or Andy Griffith drink coffee after, say, noon.

Indeed, the role coffee plays in our lives has changed dramatically over the years. What was once the beverage of choice strictly for morning consumption is now the choice for those exhausting afternoons at work and those evenings when you have to get that work project completed.

Smokin’ Beans, your source for quality unroasted coffee beans, takes a closer look some interesting coffee observations.

Morning or Night?

People who work in the morning can fall under one of two categories: Those who are caffeinated and those who are not. With the popularity of decaffeinated coffee, it’s not enough to label people coffee drinkers and non-coffee drinkers.

There are also those who don’t drink their first cup of coffee until later in the day, perhaps after they have been at work for a few hours.

These people are fairly recognizable because they are red-eyed and dreary looking until they have their first cup of caffeinated coffee. Once the caffeine has seeped through their veins, they are able to actually remember the email they just read and walk a little faster down the hall.

Non-coffee drinkers and those who drink decaffeinated coffee seemingly function at a normal level no matter what time of day. They are much more even-keeled.

Coffee Quality has Increased Tremendously

In the 1970s, most of the coffee consumed in America came in cans bought at local grocery stores. The roasts were very bland and light and the decaffeinated versions were simply horrible. There was very little that was good or exciting about coffee.

The demand for coffee began to wane because fewer and fewer people were drinking it. In the 1980s, few people under the age of 30 had an interest in coffee. Coffee was suddenly associated with parents and grandparents, it was the beverage of choice for old people.

The coffee industry was dying on the vine. Out of necessity, specialty coffees were born and coffee makers began producing quality products.

With a new interest in coffee, more people started drinking it and the age of coffee drinkers dropped. It isn’t uncommon today for high school-aged students to regularly drink coffee.

Coffee is Personal

Coffee has moved away from being a social activity and is becoming more of a personal experience. While you still see groups of people in coffee shops, you also see plenty of people by themselves on their laptops with headphones on sipping their coffee that was custom made for them.

Coffee has changed for the better. So we think it is time that you dump that store bought coffee and order some fresh coffee beans from Smokin’ Beans.