Unroasted Coffee Beans are Full of Antioxidants


Your daily morning cup of coffee is doing more for you than just giving you a jolt of energy in the tastiest of ways. The health benefits of coffee have been a somewhat controversial topic for quite some time, but scientific evidence has been delivering good news for those who drink the stuff. Smokin’ Beans Coffee Company, your source for unroasted coffee beans, gives you these reasons coffee might be healthier for you than you thought.

It Provides a Short-Term Memory Boost

It appears that caffeine affects the areas of the brain responsible for concentration and memory. It provides a boost to short-term memory, but the lasting effect is not completely clear and tends to vary from person to person. That said, if you are in need of a way to get you through a test at school or that important presentation at work, slamming a cup of coffee before can’t make things worse.

Coffee Is Heart Healthy

A study conducted over a period of 13 years studying data from over 37,000 people found that people who drank two to four cups of Joe a day, had a lower risk of heart disease by as much as 20 percent.

Coffee Can Lower Your Risk of Certain Cancers

If you are a male who drinks coffee, your chances of developing an aggressive form of prostate cancer could be lowered. Research found that drinking several cups of coffee a day decreases the risk of endometrial cancer in women by as much as a whopping 25 percent. Researchers have also found links between drinking coffee and lower rates of other cancers including breast cancer, rectal cancer, colon cancer and liver cancer.

Coffee Might Protect Against Cognitive Decline

There are studies that show drinking coffee greatly reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia later in life. And while the reasons are unknown, one theory is that caffeine may prevent the buildup of a plaque that contributes to Alzheimer’s.

Coffee is Good for the Liver

In addition to lowering the risk of liver cancer, coffee drinking has been linked to a lower incidence of cirrhosis, a 20 percent lower risk to be more precise. It seems as though coffee lower the levels of a certain enzyme linked to damage to the liver.

Coffee is Full of Antioxidants

Coffee has more antioxidants than tea or cocoa, which are both full of antioxidants as well. Researchers have identified right around 1,000 antioxidants in coffee beans, with hundreds more being produced during the roasting process. There are several studies that cite coffee as a major source of dietary antioxidants. In fact, coffee is the primary source of antioxidants for many people.

The antioxidants in coffee neutralize free radicals that cause stress and leads to chronic disease, fights inflammation and protects cells from damage. There are also several antioxidants exclusively in coffee.

Of course, you don’t have to believe the benefits of coffee to simply enjoy a cup of coffee. You may just love the way coffee tastes and if there are health benefits, that’s just an added perk. Shop Smokin’ Beans Coffee Company for great deals on unroasted coffee beans.