Unroasted Coffee Beans and Types of Coffee Drinkers

If you buy bulk unroasted coffee beans from Smokin’ Beans Coffee Company, it means that coffee is probably a big part of your life. You might not know why, but you keep going back for more, one cup is just never enough.

Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages on the planet, and there are plenty of reasons why. Coffee is what gets you going in the morning or when you feel as though you are in a slump. Coffee tastes good. Coffee puts you in a good mood when the world around you is crumbling. Coffee is an amazing beverage with magical powers. And just as there are many types of coffee, there are also many types of coffee drinkers. Which one are you?

Coffee Snob

You don’t have to buy expensive coffee at the coffee shop to be considered a coffee snob. What makes you a coffee snob is when you refuse to drink any other coffee than what you normally buy. So if you always get coffee from a particular coffee shop and refuse to drink coffee from anywhere else, you are a coffee snob.

Now, there are exceptions. If you refuse to drink bad coffee, this does not necessarily make you a coffee snob, just someone who is picky about the coffee they drink. For example, you might avoid the coffee served at your office because it is really bad. This does not make you a coffee snob, just a coffee drinker with good taste.

Black Soul

The black soul drinks their coffee black, without even a hint of cream, sugar or anything else. This person is a dying breed as most people prefer a little something in their coffee for added flavor. Heck, even Chuck Norris adds a touch of cream to his coffee every once in awhile, or so it is rumored.

Coffee Drinkers in Denial

There are people who say they can live quite happily without coffee, but if they go for longer than an hour without a cup in the hand, they start getting jittery and nervous. It is these people who are living the addiction and living in denial. They need coffee every day.

The Poser

The poser pretends to like coffee only because they wish to be accepted by others. After all, people who drink coffee are considered pretty cool and trendy by others. The poser can’t tell the difference between a good cup of coffee from a cup of hot dirt water.

Sometimes, you have someone who drinks a lot of coffee from a particular coffee shop because they have a crush on the barista.

Novelty Mug Girl

Novelty mug girl has a ridiculous collection of mugs with clever sayings, but hates coffee. She only pretends to like it as it gives you good reasons to buy even more silly mugs. She is closely related to the girl who uses a reusable coffee cup that looks like it’s disposable but really isn’t.

Actually, Smokin’ Beans Coffee Company doesn’t care what type of coffee drinker you are, as long as you order our coffee.