Unroasted Coffee Beans and First Dates

Your palms are sweaty, your armpits are sweaty, you have sweat starting to drip off of your forehead, wait a minute, basically, you are sweating all over. Why? It’s probably because you are taking out a very cute girl on a first date. There is just so much pressure and you don’t want to mess this up.

You are wondering where to take her and what you should do on your first date. This is something that does take at least a little planning. And while we will leave your destination for your date up to you, we can offer a little advice on where not to go: a coffee shop.

Having been on our fair-share of cringe-worthy dates, we know well enough not to take any girl to a coffee shop for a first date. If anything, you should invite her to your place where you can grind your own unroasted coffee beans and make her a great cup of coffee. Now, making a great cup of coffee is impressive, especially on the first date.

But we digress, here is a list of reasons to skip out on the coffee shop on your first date.

Short Time Frame

There are few people who would suck down two or three cups of expensive coffee and risk getting the caffeine jitters just to extend a date. When you take a date to the coffee shop, you are only guaranteed about an hour, tops, before the atmosphere breaks down and you both realize you are sitting in a coffee shop staring at empty coffee cups. Even a movie will afford you at least two hours of time to figure out your next move.

Coffee is a Poor Date Drink

Unless you are meeting your date at 8 am, coffee isn’t a great choice. Drinking anything caffeinated on an evening date is risky, even a cup of coffee in the late afternoon can negatively impact your sleep pattern.

And unlike alcohol, coffee is not a social lubricant, the effects of caffeine are a faster heartbeat, restlessness and the jitters, hardly symptoms you want to show up on your first date.

Too Casual

Coffee shops are hip places to go, but they are way too casual for a first date. Unless, of course, you are a hippie and always take your dates to places where flip-flops, cut-offs and weird hats are welcome.

No Kiss

How many times have you made out in a coffee shop? Check that; how many times have you seen anybody make out in a coffee shop? Look, we know you plan on being a total gentleman on your date, but if you are taking her to a coffee shop, the chances of you getting even just a little kiss plummet to zero. Let’s face it, kissing in a coffee shop is just plain awkward. There are couples who have been happily married for several years and would never kiss in a coffee shop.

So do yourself a favor, find a better place to take your date, anywhere is better than a coffee shop.