ORIGIN BLENDS: Are some exciting new arrivals! – ORIGIN BLEND – This is origin blend coffee like you have never had it before! This blend contains mostly single origin coffee, with only a small amount of our special blend of beans added to enhance the flavor. The single origin characteristics you expect shine through crisp and clear, yet the cup is more complex, vibrant, better!

SIGNATURE BLENDS: – Our Signature Blends are expertly crafted to provide an excellent, balanced, complex cup, with certain desirable cup qualities. Whether intensely strong chocolate/tobacco notes or delicately nuanced fruity/citrus notes, you can be sure we have a blend to fit whatever specific taste, body, or flavors you are looking for. Search by taste attributes or flavor family to find the perfect coffee to fit your needs. Order several different coffees so you always have a nice variety to choose from. Keep your coffee bar well stocked. Your coffee routine can be exciting and should be the highlight of your day!

WHY BUY A BLEND: – If you are into specialty coffee why would you buy a blend? Coffee purists ask this question and for good reason. They say single origins are each one unique and incredibly special and that single origins alone are the only true way to experience coffee. While this can easily be understood and agreed with it is also a known fact that blends can produce a more balanced and flavor specific cup than any single origin coffee could ever do on its own. Take espresso coffees for example, a well-crafted espresso blend will often win the gold over a single origin entry. A well-crafted blend can offer a stunning cup, with exceptionally vibrant, flavor specific complexities. Try one of our blends today and experience an extraordinary cup for yourself!

PRE-ROAST BLENDING: – You may ask the questions: Is it possible to pre-roast blend and get a decent roast? In a blend, the beans are of different sizes and densities, so doesn’t this mean that they will roast up vastly different? This is a topic that regularly gets debated among coffee roasters. There are facts to back up both sides. However, our conclusion is that you can pre-roast blend successfully. The reason being that during the roasting process the variations in bean sizes/densities seems to somewhat balance each other out as they rub shoulders together in the drum and transfer energy back and forth between themselves. We believe the end result is a more consistent roast versus post-roast blend because with post-roast blending you will have several batches that must be roasted prior to blending. This can allow for variation in roast quality making it harder to achieve even roast results from batch to batch. Also, if you are on a budget, post-roast blending requires many dollars to be spent for a large variety of beans. Whereas pre-roast blending only requires you to purchase 1 bag of beans that is already blended for specific cup qualities and ready to roast. If you are still unsure, simply give it a try, and you can come to your own conclusions. Choosing a winning blend is easy. Order today!

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